Backlit Matrices of Plastic Injection Lines
Digital Photography
(3060x2260 px) .2018
Graphic translation of Plastic Injection Lines - Object A
Graphite on Printed Paper
(8,5x10 in) .2018
Graphic translation of Plastic Injection Lines - Object B
Graphite on Printed Paper
(8,5x10 in) .2018
Graphic translation of Plastic Injection Lines - Montage
Wooden and Wire Structure + Spotlight + Graphite on Printed Paper
(43x34x22 in) .2018
Three-Dimensional Graphic translation of Plastic Injection Lines
Objects A and B
Wooden and Acrylic Structure + Wire Sculpture and Plastic Objects
(10x40x40 in) .2018
Marks of the intersection points of the rings - Overhead view
Digital image
(1034x649 px) .2018
3D Modelling of the Plastic Injection Lines - Objects A and B
Digital file, built in the software Blender - register of the file
(597.9kB) .2018